Change the background map
List of search result
Earth physical quantity
Spacecraft / sensor
Observation starting date and time(UTC)
Observation ended date and time(UTC)
My List
No data registered in My List. Batch download and batch processing requests are available for those data registered in My List.
No data registered in the saved list. Those data registered in the saved list of past search results, not search criteria and overwrote the displays of list and thumbnails. Note that the state and information may change according to the product.
The progress showing the status of the batch download and production requests such as cutout processing. Products produced can be downloaded and will be deleted after a certain period.
Detailed information shows the observed range of this product.
Image ! The display screen is switched by selecting.
User account:

You need to log in for download.
For user registration, click here

If you have forgot your password, click here
If you have forgot your account, click here
Are you sure you wish to log out?
Log in the current search criteria to save up to ten criteria. Log in to read out the search criteria. 0 criteria have been saved.

The current search criteria can be reproduced from the following URL. Save them as a bookmark, etc. within the browser.
* If the URL is too long, sorry it may not be reproducible depending on your browser.

Read out and set the saved search criteria. Those search criteria already set are overwritten. Up to ten criteria can be saved.
No. Name Readout
* [Current download amount] / [Downloadable amount]
Satellite Sensor Download Size Download Count
 Detailed search criteria
The current search result can be saved. Log in to read out the search result. The product version and information may be updated during the storage period.
* many data is may takes time.
Batch production request / download of the selected product is processed.

Select the download method
Batch download (zip)
Note: All the files are compressed in a single file after production. Download of individual products is not available.
Batch download (tar)
All the files are compressed into a single file after their production. Download of individual products is not available.
Download individually
Note: Download of each file can be prepared when their production, etc. is prepared.

Select the notification unit at the time of production completion
Notified collectively
Notified on completion of all product preparations requested.
Notified by product
Notified when each product preparation requested is completed.
The current search criteria can be saved up to ten criteria. Log in to read out the search criteria. 0 criteria have been saved.
Read out and set the saved processing criteria. Those search criteria already set are overwritten. Up to ten criteria can be saved.
No. Name Readout
Product selected:
Rectangles are specified by the maximum/minimum latitude and longitude. You can also specify by dragging on the map. Scenes can be shifted based on the selected (reference) product. Half of the scene, including the reference product, can be moved.
[Notice] You need to contain the scan center in your request area.
Max. lat/lon
(, )
Min. lat/lon
(, )
Scenes can be shifted based on the selected (reference) product. Half the scene, including the reference product, can be moved.
Scene Shift
Please specify the cutout area.
[Notice] You need to contain the scan center in your request area.
Shift amount
H direction(% )
V direction(% )
Cutout amount
H direction(% )
V direction(% )
Scene Shift
V directionH direction
Specify a rectangle with the maximum/minimum latitude and longitude. It is also possible to specify drag on the map.
[Notice] You need to contain the scan center in your request area.
Max. lat/lon
(, )
Min. lat/lon
(, )
Specify a rectangle with the maximum/minimum latitude and longitude. It is also possible to specify drag on the map.
[Notice] You need to contain the scan center in your request area.
Maximum latitude / longitude
(, )
Minimum latitude / longitude
(, )
Specify a rectangle with the maximum/minimum latitude and longitude. It is also possible to specify drag on the map.
[Notice] You need to contain the scan center in your request area.
Shift amount
CT direction(% )
AT direction(% )
Cutout amount
CT direction(% )
AT direction(% )
Scenes can be shifted based on the selected (reference) product. Half the scene, including the reference product, can be moved.
Scene Shift
Format conversion
No conversion
Sea surface temperature
Snow and ice surface temperature
Product selected:
Specify a rectangle with the maximum/minimum latitude and longitude. It is also possible to specify drag on the map.
[Notice] You need to contain the scan center in your request area.
Max. lat/lon
(, )
Min. lat/lon
(, )
Format conversion
No conversion
Sea surface temperature
Snow and ice surface temperature
Select the output format
Output in CSV format
Output in KML format
* many data is may takes time.
Satellite / Sensor: ALOS-2 / PALSAR-2
Selected product