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JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec   2024
June 27 2024 Published in
There are delays in providing cloud cover values for GCOM-C products registered after middle of June 2024.
June 20 2024 Published in
The following system maintenance was completed as scheduled.
June 20 2024 Published in
Regarding the delay in the provision of GCOM-C products which we informed on Dec. 19th, 2023, the status on June 20th, 2024 is shown below.
June 19 2024 Published in
The provision of ALOS-2 data (except for ALOS series Open and Free Data), which had been temporarily suspended, was resumed at around 01:20(UTC) on Jun 19th, 2024.
June 13 2024 Published in
The system maintenance of today was completed around 07:00 (UTC).
June 11 2024 Published in
JAXA has started to provide version 4.401.401 products of Brightness Temperature (TB) Level3 of Aqua/AMSR-E on June 11 2024.
June 3 2024 Published in
The provision of ALOS-2 data (except for ALOS series Open and Free Data), which had been temporarily suspended, was resumed at around 01:00(UTC) on Jun 3rd, 2024.
box.png Announcements by years

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