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Tools / Documents

Tools for using satellite products and documents related to product format and other information are available.

  • tool kit
  • Related Documents and Guidance

  • Toolkit

    The Tools to use SGLI products are available.

    Tools for GCOM-C/SGLI
    SGLI Map projection & GeoTIFF conversion Tool(Ver.1.2)for Windows Download
    for Linux Download

    Operating environment : Windows 10, Linux 2.6(64bit)
    The tool is used to convert the imageries in HDF5 files of SGLI products into the generic GeoTIFF files through map projections of geodetic latitude/longitude or polar stereographic coordinates.
    The user interface is command line input using CUI (Character User Interface).
    For GUI (Graphical User Interface) tools, please use this "Format Conversion Tool".

    For more information, please refer to the following manual.
    -SGLI Map projection & GeoTIFF conversion Tool User's Manual

    SGLI RSP Path Detection in L2 Tile Tool (Ver.1.0)for Windows Download
    for Linux Download

    Operating environment : Windows 10, Linux 2.6(64bit)
    This tool detects the number of RSP-path for raster data in the L2-tiles on a daily basis (01D) based on the observing time and attaches it to the original filename. If the tile includes multiple RSP paths, the tool separates the tile for each of the paths and outputs their corresponding multiple HDF5 files.
    The user interface is command line input using CUI (Character User Interface).

    For more information, please refer to the following manual.
    -SGLI RSP Path Detection in L2 Tile Tool User's Manual

    Related Documents and Guidance

    Please refer to the following documents.
    - GCOM-C Data Users Handbook : The utilization of GCOM-C/SGLI products (Update on 2018.12.14)
    - GCOM-C Data Provision Policy : The terms and conditions for distribution and utilization of GCOM-C data, including the Application Form for “Special User” Registration (Update on 2018.11.26)
    - SGLI Level 1 Product Format Specification : Specification and format of SGLI L1 product
    (Update on 2021.12.27)
    - SGLI Higher Level Product Format Specification : Specification and format of SGLI higher level product (Update on 2021.12.27)


    Tools for AMSR2
    GCOM-W1 User ToolDownload
    platform:Windows 7 (32bit), Windows10 (32bit)
    GCOM-W1 User Tool provides users with various functions to use earth observation data of GCOM-W1/AMSR2,ADEOS-II/AMSR and Aqua/AMSR-E. You can display, edit, clip and project them on a map. 
    For more information, look at the User's Manual.

    AMSR2 Product I/O Toolkit (AMTK)Software
    Leap seconds data
    platform:Sun, SGI, Linux
    There are two ways to read AMSR2 data constructed as an HDF5 file.
    One is to use only the HDF5 library, and the other is to use the AMSR2 Product I/O Toolkit which uses
    the HDF5 library as internal routine, for reading AMSR2 data in your own C program or Fortran program.
    It is necessary to download Leap seconds data with this software.
    For more information, look at the User's Manual.

    Please be sure to use the old AMTK (Ver. 1.12) for old PRC product (Ver. 1.0).

    Related Documents and Guidance

    Documents Contents Update
    GCOM-W1 "Shizuku"
    Data Users Handbook
    Here describes the information
    and the utilization of AMSR2
    2013/01/24 GCOM-W1_SHIZUKU_Data_Users_Handbook_EN.pdf
    AMSR2 Level 1 Product
    Format Specification
    Here describes AMSR2 L1
    product format specification.
    AMSR2 Higher Level
    Product Format
    Here describes AMSR2 higher
    level product format
    2022/07/27 AMSR2_Higher_Level_Product_Format_EN.pdf
    Implementation Guideline
    for GCOM-W1 Data Provision
    Here describes
    Implementation Guideline for GCOM-W1 Data Provision.
    Including the application form for becoming "Special-User".
    2018/03/01 GCOM-W1_data_prov_guideline_en.doc

  • About publication of AMSR2 product, also refer to GCOM-W@EORC Product Information.
  • AMSR2 - Descriptions of GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Level 1R and Level 2 Algorithms

  • For more information about changes of AMSR series, please refer to this page.

    Download the Tool

  • Orbit Viewer THOR
  • Orbit Viewer THOR is a tool for displaying the standard data products of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). THOR stands for the Tool for High-resolution Observation Review. THOR displays GPM and TRMM products on a map of the Earth when possible, and otherwise, as 2D plots or text output. Since 1997, the Precipitation Processing System (PPS) at NASA Goddard has developed and distributed many versions of Orbit Viewer THOR.

    Spacecraft/Sensor: GPM, TRMM 
    Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux 
    TKIO(Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit), this I/O(input and output) toolkit are designed to make it easy for the Algorithm Developer and/or Researcher to access to the product of GPM and TRMM which were developed by NASA/PPS.

    Download the Document

    Algorithm and Products Information
    Reference documents related to algorithm and product format are archived.
     •Product format documentation
     •Data utilization handbook
     •Algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD)

    Download the Tool

  • ALOS Reference System for Planning (RSP) map
  • Path Map : Please download the map for each observation mode from below.

    Download the Document

  • How to use
  • Information about CIRC

    For more information, please visit following URL.

    Compact Infrared Camera

    Download the Tool

    Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
    SeaDAS is developed by NASA, and a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data including ADEOS OCTS.
    For more information, look at the following URL.

    Download the Document

  • How to use
  • Download the Tool

    GCOM-W1 User Tool provides users with various functions to use earth observation data of GCOM-W1/AMSR2, ADEOS-II/AMSR and Aqua/AMSR-E. You can display, edit, clip and project them on a map. 
    Click here for the details

    Download the Document

  • How to use
  • About Algorithm theoretical basis document(ATBD), refer to the following links:
  • Download the Tool

    GCOM-W1 User Tool provides users with various functions to use earth observation data of GCOM-W1/AMSR2, ADEOS-II/AMSR and Aqua/AMSR-E. You can display, edit, clip and project them on a map. 
    Click here for the details

    Download the Document

  • How to use
  • About Algorithm theoretical basis document(ATBD), refer to the following links:
  • Download the Tool

  • Orbit Viewer THOR
  • Orbit Viewer THOR is a tool for displaying the standard data products of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). THOR stands for the Tool for High-resolution Observation Review. THOR displays GPM and TRMM products on a map of the Earth when possible, and otherwise, as 2D plots or text output. Since 1997, the Precipitation Processing System (PPS) at NASA Goddard has developed and distributed many versions of Orbit Viewer THOR.

  • TKIO(Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit)
  • Spacecraft/Sensor: GPM, TRMM 
    Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux 
    TKIO(Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit), this I/O(input and output) toolkit are designed to make it easy for the Algorithm Developer and/or Researcher to access to the product of GPM and TRMM which were developed by NASA/PPS.

    Download the Document

    Algorithm and Products Information
    Reference documents related to algorithm and product format are archived.
     •Product format documentation
     •Data utilization handbook
     •Algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD)

    Download the Tool

    Platform: Windows 
    SAR level 2.1, OPS VNIR level2, and OPS SWIR's CEOS format can be converted to GeoTIFF or KMZ format using this tool. For more information, 
    Click here for the details

    Download the Document

  • How to use
  • Download the Document

    Related Links

    GSMaP website "JAXA Global Rainfall Watch"
    The website for monitoring GSMaP.
  • https://sharaku.eorc.jaxa.jp/GSMaP/index.htm

  • Download the Tool

  • Orbit Viewer THOR
  • Orbit Viewer THOR is a tool for displaying the standard data products of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). THOR stands for the Tool for High-resolution Observation Review. THOR displays GPM and TRMM products on a map of the Earth when possible, and otherwise, as 2D plots or text output. Since 1997, the Precipitation Processing System (PPS) at NASA Goddard has developed and distributed many versions of Orbit Viewer THOR.

  • TKIO(Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit)
  • Spacecraft/Sensor: GPM, TRMM 
    Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux 
    TKIO(Science Algorithm Input/Output Toolkit), this I/O(input and output) toolkit are designed to make it easy for the Algorithm Developer and/or Researcher to access to the product of GPM and TRMM which were developed by NASA/PPS.

    Download the Document

    Algorithm and Products Information
    Reference documents related to algorithm and product format are archived.
     •Product format documentation
     •Data utilization handbook
     •Algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD)

    Information about AQUA and MODIS

    For more information, please visit following URLs.


    Information about TERRA and MODIS

    For more information, please visit following URLs.


    Download the Document

    How to use
    SHIROP data format specification

    Information about SLATS

    For more information, please visit following URL.
    About Super Low Altitude Test Satellite "TSUBAME" (SLATS)
    coming soon

    G-Portal User's Manual

    G-Portal User's Manual
    You can download the manual of G-Portal here.

    Earth Observation Data Conversion Tool

    Earth Observation Data Conversion Tool
    Spacecraft/Sensor(Products): GCOM-C, GPM/DPR, GSMaP, GCOM-W, JASMES
    Platform: Windows
    HDF5/HDF4/Binary format can be converted to GeoTIFF or KMZ format using this tool.
    For more information, please refer to the following manual.

    Format Conversion Tool Operation Manual for Users
    Appendix A Conversion target products
    Appendix B Colorbar specification

    There is GCOM-C tool for convert to GeoTIFF by command line.
    - CUI version tool: detail is here

    Download the Tool

  • HDF View
  • Spacecraft/Sensor: Not Evaluated
    Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris
    HDF5/HDF4 format data can be read. For more information, please refer to the following document.
    HDF View User's Guide (PDF)

  • Quantum GIS
  • Spacecraft/Sensor: Not Evaluated
    Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux
    GeoTIFF format data can be read. For more information, please refer to the following document.
    Quantum GIS User's Guide (PDF)

  • Panoply
  • Spacecraft/Sensor: Not Evaluated
    Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux
    NetCDF and HDF data can be browsed. For more information, please refer to the following URL.


    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

    Other organization

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    For user registration, click here

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